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Laboratory Safety

Laboratory Safety Forms, Checklists and Templates

The university's Chemical Hygiene Plan (CHP)是为使用有害物质的教育和研究活动而设计的,它提供了确保实验室工作人员和处理有害物质时的安全的程序. 卫生防护中心采纳了公立和赠地大学协会(APLU) 2015年实验室安全工作组提出的建议,以促进实验室的安全.

It is the responsibility of all persons working in university laboratories (e.g., principal investigators, administrative personnel, managers, laboratory researchers, and students) to know and adhere to the provisions of the CHP.

For ease of use and consistency across campus, EHS created a Chemical Inventory Template to be used where needed. These inventories are required by the Chemical Hygiene and Lab Safety plans. All labs must have an inventory that includes hazardous chemicals, compressed gases, pesticides, insecticides, fungicides, etc., used in that lab. Additional information on what should be inventoried is on the template.

The Laboratory Safety Plan Template ,以帮助实验室人员为其实验室制定实验室安全计划。. The template is set up in sections that cover such areas as inventory, SDS sheets, standard operating procedures, etc. 每个部分都有黑色的文字,提供了一个关于每个领域的介绍性句子或陈述, followed by text written in red that instructs the laboratory supervisor, who is responsible for the laboratory safety plan, to provide information that is specific to that lab. Note that in the section pertaining to personal protective equipment (PPE), the text written in black describes the minimum PPE that must be worn to enter the laboratory.

The Laboratory Safety Agreement is to be read and signed by incoming laboratory workers. 它概述了在大学实验室工作时必须遵循的一般良好实验室实践. Signed copies can be stored with the Laboratory Safety Plan.

危险警告标志是监管机构所要求的,并向可能需要进入不熟悉的实验室的个人提示存在的危险类型. A laboratory hazard sign will be placed at every main entrance to a laboratory room or complex. The signs are produced by EHS, 但实验室人员有责任提供信息,使这些标志保持最新.

The Laboratory Hazard Analysis form 是否旨在帮助实验室人员识别与特定实验室任务或程序相关的危害,并确定执行任务以消除或减少这些危害的最佳方法. 防止实验室事故和伤害的最佳方法之一是完成危害分析,以建立和记录安全程序,并将其作为编制标准操作程序和培训人员如何安全完成特定任务时的主要参考. Laboratory Hazard Analysis is basically the same as Job Hazard Analysis (JHA).

The University of Idaho Laboratory Safety Inspection Checklist 是否提供帮助实验室主管对其实验室进行自我审核. 清单中列出的一些项目可能不适用于个人实验室,因此可以勾选为N/A或不适用.

The Laboratory Equipment Decontamination Form helps students, 教职员工确保实验室设备得到适当的净化,必须在设备移动之前完成并转交给环境健康与安全(EHS)办公室进行认证.

The University of Idaho Laboratory Decommissioning Checklist 是为了帮助主要研究人员和他们的部门确保有害物质已经安全地从实验室移走,并且该区域没有污染. 需要实验室退役的事件包括研究人员与大学的关系的终止, relocation to another laboratory space, major laboratory renovation or retirement from research activities. 清单中列出的一些项目可能不适用于个人实验室,因此可以勾选为N/A或不适用.

使洗眼器和安全淋浴器在眼睛或皮肤接触化学物质时能正常工作, they must be tested regularly. 环境健康和安全部门每年根据美国国家标准协会推荐的程序检查洗眼器和安全淋浴器. It is important, however, to test and flush this equipment more frequently; tests will reveal plumbing problems, reduce buildup of sediment in the lines, 清除可能导致感染的微生物,使用户对设备的操作更加熟悉和自信. 洗眼、淋浴和淋雨软管应由设备的潜在用户每周测试一次. These tests shall be recorded on the Shower and Eyewash Flushing Record, posted next to each piece of equipment, following the Shower and Eyewash Flushing Instructions.

步入式冷藏室和冷冻室在大学研究项目中发挥着关键作用, 但如果保养不当,它们也会引发严重的问题和安全隐患. 这些单元对于储存和保护温度敏感的研究材料非常重要. The Walk-In Cooler Checklist 员工是否可以使用工具来帮助保持步入式冷却器和冷冻装置处于良好的工作状态,并防止安全隐患的发展和对装置和/或其内容物的可能损坏. 需要尽快采取步骤来纠正清单上的问题项.

Laboratory Safety – the Role of EHS

实验室安全计划的目的是通过确保实验室工作人员接受培训,将受伤或生病的风险降到最低, information and support needed to work safely in the laboratory.  EHS根据现行的规章制度开发这些资源,并协助实验室工作人员应用这些资源,作为大学承诺为其教师提供安全实验室环境的一部分, staff, students and visitors.

Laboratory Safety – Your Role

每个化验室应完成化验室安全计划以补充化学卫生计划. It is the responsibility of all persons working in university laboratories (e.g., principal investigators, administrative personnel, managers, laboratory researchers, and students) to know and adhere to the provisions of both plans.  以下文件包含大学实验室安全计划组成部分的信息, including the template for your laboratory-specific Safety Plan. Our Guidance Sheets include SOPs, guidance documents, and hazard alerts applicable to laboratories across campus; check for new and updated sheets regularly. 

Related Training

  • Laboratory Safety
  • Laboratory Safety for the Non-Lab User

For more information

Drew Pemberton
Laboratory Safety Officer

Andrew Eberle
Industrial Hygienist

Contact Us

Mailing Address:
875 Perimeter Dr
MS 2030 
Moscow, ID

Phone: 208-885-6524

Fax: 208-885-5969

